
Following up last year's trend of revisiting our criteria of wellness, 2021 will see society and individuals define a direction and initiate action. The need for pro-environmental, caring "circularity" has taken root in our minds, and it is forming a new foundation of our lifestyle and economy. Let's not lament this unstable world afflicted by global issues and eerie macro-level changes, but rather enjoy the micro-level customization that empowers diverse values and the borderless collaboration that inspires new creation. "Startup" sets our sights on an optimistic future.

Artisanal Mix / Caring Activation / Meaningful Possessions / Micro & Bio Creation

Artisanal Mix

With the Internet and social media making it incredibly easy for trends and actions to spread around the world, new products and services are emerging that are influenced by other cultures. Businesses, artists, and local craftsmen from different genres that had hardly mixed before social networking are now communicating, and can take their existing offerings and add fresh expressions with unique materials and functions. Collaborating across the borders of country, region, culture and generation is a significant process of resolving global issues.

Retro Modern Fabric / Quaint Relic

CMF Keywords: Borderless Market / Over tourism / Respect for Diverse Cultures / Genderless / Symbiosis with Earth / Upcycling / Beyond Corporate Borders / Recycling / Circular Communities / Retro-modern Design / Ancient Inspiration

Retro Modern Fabric

Quaint Relic

Caring Activation

Serious crises loom across the globe, diminishing reliance on governments and engendering new worries like eco-anxiety in an unstable society. With macro-level changes triggering an emotional reaction, companies are expected to go beyond profit making and social responsibility to incorporate ethical, sustainable management into their business models. Safe, intimate, connected communities relieve the anxiety of consumers living amid the confusion of myriad challenges. Kindness to the environment and to people pave the way for an optimistic future.

Sustainable Decoration / Ad-Lib / Nebulosus

CMF Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility / Creative Responsibility / Ethical Design / Rethinking Connection / Haptic Relief / Marbling and Watercolor Painting / Circular Customer Care / Outreach to Marginal Communities

Sustainable Decoration



Meaningful Possessions

In an age when living with less is considered a virtue, more people are seeking to keep only a small number of high-quality items. Today’s youths are gravitating increasingly toward a minimalist lifestyle and recognizing the advantages of meaningful consumption. They are using online services to save time, reducing unnecessary items, and spending their spare time and money on events and adventures they crave from the heart. The “buy and be happy” style of consumerism has vanished, leaving behind the desire for truly valuable experiences.

Swirling Marble / Indigo Dyed Wood

CMF Keywords: Seize the Moment / Beauty of Nature / Tidy Up / Bare Essentials / Simple is Best / Smartphone Experience / Enrichment at Your Fingertips / Sprayed Color

Swirling Marble

Indigo Dyed Wood

Micro & Bio Creation

Micro-level customization of products is gaining speed to meet diversifying consumer sizes, tastes, and needs. Consumers will soon prefer products personalized with a 3D printer and artificial intelligence (AI). Attracted to ethical consumption that both saves the environment and satisfies their needs, they covet items that are harmless, sound, and comfortable. With up-and-coming generations spending more on experiences than possessions, sensible items that eliminate waste and yet retain their essence are the key to an Earth- and people-friendly future.

Multi Function Insert / Renewable Package / Layered Cells

CMF Keywords: AI in Daily Life / Gesture Control / Consumer Diversity / Micro-level Customization / Blend of the Day / Compostable Ware / Biomaterial / Circular Economy / Zero Waste Flight / Future Specimens / Transparent Layers

Multi Function Insert

Renewable Package

Layered Cells
