These are sample books we have prepared based on themes created through analyses of trends and using Nissha's cutting-edge technologies.

About Sample Books

"CMF DESIGN" is created according to the theme of Nissha Trend Vision without targeting a specific market.
"WOOD" is focused on wood grain designs that bring harmony to the interior space of mobility.
"TECH" is composed of metallic and geometric designs targeting an advanced and cool atmosphere for mobility.
"SENSE" proposes designs for mobility based on trend research across the board to meet the needs of the times.

Each year we produce sample books that inspire our customers.

Latest Books

TECH 10 – New Release!

Rebirth – a New World

The pandemic represented a significant turning point for all of humanity, including the automobile industry, prompting a reevaluation of lifestyles and business models. As lifestyles diversified and new ways of living emerged, we deeply contemplated what is 'right' for future lifestyles and economic activities, reevaluating truly necessary elements. As a result, areas increasing in importance surfaced, such as individual health management, respect for differences, and environmental concerns. With an outlook towards new markets, it's been three years since the foundation for the next stage was built. The world is once again moving towards a renewed stage.

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CMF DESIGN 2024 – New Release!

Rebirth – a New World

COVID-19 was a major turning-point for humanity. As lifestyles become more diverse, and people imagined a world of new lifestyles such as augmented reality, they began to stop and think carefully about what makes right for future lifestyles and economic activities, and to sort out and redefine those things that are really necessary for society. As a result, we were able to identify things that need to be expanded, such as individual self-care, gender, and environmental considerations; society sowed the seeds for this new market, using the COVID-19 pandemic as a preparatory period. Three years later, those seeds have begun to sprout, and the world is starting again towards a new stage.

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Choice and Responsibility

Dramatic shifts in the world’s common sense necessitate reconsidering fundamentals like lifestyle and economic activity for the future.
Our new sample book series, SENSE, explores these societal shifts and adds our own unique interpretations.
SENSE features new designs created from extensive trend research and successful past projects with a wide variety of designs.
Shaped by the constantly changing trends all around us, SENSE proposes designs with new value that acknowledge today’s shifting reality and look ahead to the future.

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