CMF DESIGN 2022/23

Precarious Earth

On the heels of last year’s efforts to pursue caring “circularity” was global confusion created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Coupled with the unrest of escalating environmental issues and mounting mistrust of politics, this makes the Earth a precarious planet. COVID-19 has defied convention and persuaded us to rethink our lifestyles. Some are adapting the skills of primitive tribes to modern life. Companies are engaging with the sustainable development goals (SDGs) for the betterment of society. And youths are immersing themselves in virtual worlds and seeking an escape from stress. “Precarious Earth” is a nod to the shift toward accepting others’ freedom to dream of a bright future, and the move to grope in the dark and shape the new normal to come.

Liberated Expression / Sensible Society / Borderless Sanctuary / Phygital Escape

Liberated Expression

People are taking matters into their own hands in addressing political and environmental issues, displaying energetic creativity even amid the confusion of global protests and the COVID-19 pandemic.
The threat of mass surveillance to personal freedom of action is met with rising demand for freedom of choice beyond the boundaries of race and gender.
Art is used an element of peaceful solutions in a show of self-affirmation.
By exposing their inner convictions in unique, powerful ways, these people are leading the world to a bright future.

Playful Painting / Paper Clam

CMF Keywords: Think Outside the Box / Unique Art Paint / Gentle Demonstration / Inclusive Approach / Insist on Brilliance / Universal Design / Positive Upcycle / Infinite Choice / Energetic Color

Playful Painting

Paper Clam

Sensible Society

Freakish weather is raising alert levels to critical and requiring constant updates on measures to prevent natural disasters. COVID-19 forced a suspension of social activities, and in effect, brought about significant decreases in air and river pollution. This presented the opportunity to rethink established lifestyles and production processes.
For their part, companies are returning to the basics and aiming for essential and necessary environmental conservation and social contribution.
They are taking heretofore overlooked valuable assets and circulating them as resources.

Friendly Cork / Coalesce

CMF Keywords: Gentle Design / Beautiful Form of the Mesh / Reproduction of the Design / Environment Activity of the Company / Friendly Cork / Terrazzo to Protect the Earth / Reliable Safe Technology / UpCycle to do Wealthily / Compassion for the Earth

Friendly Cork


Borderless Sanctuary

Advanced online services have enabled us to connect with anyone anywhere as a matter of course.
With the latest information and products accessible even from rural areas, this is an era in which lifestyles and communities are free of the restrictions of place.
Amid a sense of isolation exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, people are leaving the bustle of the city in search of hideaways for finding peace within, or recognizing the charms of primitive designs and nature itself and assimilating these into their contemporary lifestyles.

Concrete Melange / Healing Copper

CMF Keywords: Primitive Recursion / Cosy Terracotta / Healing Metal / Seamless Experience / Sanctuary Home / Rocky Surface / Longing for Ancient / Technology by Our Side / Natural Harvest / Blessing of the Earth

Concrete Melange

Healing Copper

Phygital Escape

Remarkable developments in technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) are blurring the boundary between real and virtual, making advances in science an absolute everyday experience.
With the advent of COVID-19 sowing anxiety, the need is growing for fantasyland interactive entertainment.
Youths, for instance, are immersing themselves in the obscure, dreamy, virtual world of sci-fi provided by games and anime. By finding their own lifestyle and “third place,” they are seeking an escape from the stresses of society.

Frosted Pattern / Baum Lights / Smooth Veil

CMF Keywords: Sensory Awakening / Smooth Veil / Future Pioneer / Mystical Aesthetics / Metallic Gradation / Integrated Technology / Changing Fashion Concepts / Organic Imagination / Bewitching Illumination

Frosted Pattern

Baum Lights

Smooth Veil

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