Based on themes created through research and trend analysis from our unique perspective, the sample book is produced using Nissha’s latest technology. This time, we interviewed two members responsible for overall design direction, Eguchi and Tsurutani, to discuss “how the sample books are created.”
Mika Nakanishi: Senior Designer, Product Direction Team, Design & CMF, Industrial Materials Business Unit, Nissha Co., Ltd.
Momoko Eguchi: Art Director, Life Products Team Leader, Design & CMF
Tomonori Tsurutani: Overseas Mobility Team Leader, Design & CMF
CMF DESIGN BOOK for Various Industries and BOOK for the Mobility Industry Balancing Mass Production

Nakanishi: Currently, Tsurutani is in charge of design direction for proposals to the mobility industry, while Eguchi handles proposals for various industries. Could you tell us what you are aiming for?
Tsurutani: For the mobility sector, it’s most gratifying when customers adopt new technologies directly. While improving designs further is a given, we also consider mass production. We aim to create designs that can be immediately put into production while incorporating trends.
Eguchi: The CMF DESIGN BOOK offers the latest trends in CMF (Color Material Finish) as design inspiration. Consumer Electronics range from small wireless earphones to large refrigerators, making it difficult to narrow down a specific target due to the broad market. We propose universal designs, such as general hairline and metallic finishes, in a sample book called “BASIC BOOK.”

The BOOK for the mobility industry features designs considering mass production

The CMF DESIGN BOOK targets various industries and proposes the latest trends as design inspiration
Core of the Sample Book Creation Process: Applying Trend Research and Collaborating with the Development Department
Nakanishi: Can you explain the process of creating the book in detail?
Tsurutani: In the Design & CMF Group, we focus on creating and utilizing a trend analysis report called “Nissha Trend Vision.” Reflecting this flow in designing proposals for the mobility industry is the most challenging process. While repeated prototyping is essential to improve design quality, integrating Trend Vision is particularly crucial.
Eguchi: For the CMF DESIGN BOOK, we break down “Nissha Trend Vision” to develop themes. We then conduct interviews with the development department about their current projects and consider combinations with the themes. Based on these themes, each designer delves deeper into creating designs. Collaboration with the development department is also vital, and we proceed by sharing necessary information through long-standing relationships.
Nakanishi: So, you feel like you’re running alongside the development department?
Eguchi: Saying we’re running sounds really cool.
Nakanishi: Through book creation, it also serves a promotional role in spreading the development initiatives within the company.

Tsurutani: From that perspective, recently, we’ve included a sample called “Rich Surface LU” in the SENSE 1 and TECH 10 books for the mobility industry. Although various designs and technologies related to mobility are being developed company-wide, some haven’t seen the light of day due to various circumstances. By including them in the book, we hope to introduce them. Rich Surface LU is an excellent design, so we included it to hear customer feedback.
Nakanishi: If we can find new possibilities in designs with value, it might drive internal development further.
Eguchi: It’s important to know customer feedback on promising developments. Even if development progresses, it’s hard to see actual needs through internal discussions alone, so the CMF DESIGN series also functions as a platform for presenting them. The SENSE book for the mobility industry is geared towards mass production, addressing customer demands regarding cost and design expression. CMF DESIGN is positioned as a book featuring futuristic concept designs.
What is Important When Directing Design

Nakanishi: When directing design, is there something you always want to prioritize?
Eguchi: It’s crucial to incorporate appeal points into each item in the sample book. Designs with color variations need clear distinctions rather than just different colors. Unlike TECH or WOOD, CMF DESIGN emphasizes differences in methods and characteristics, highlighting each item’s points. For example, design A excels in this aspect, and design B is attractive in that aspect, ensuring designers communicate these points clearly.
Tsurutani: For me, there are many things, but if I had to pick one, it’s making them enjoyable to look at.
Eguchi: Yes, absolutely.
Tsurutani: Realistically, silver, black, and practical wood grains are essential, but we also propose colorful designs to broaden the range of options. We aim for designs that balance practicality and uniqueness.
Eguchi: Something a bit exciting, right? That might be important.
Nakanishi: Yes. We want to deliver memorable designs that expand creativity, not just ones that end with customer selection but make them think, “This could be useful for something.”
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